March 29-30, 2006, Hilton Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
CUTS is organising a 2-day training workshop for the staff of the Ethiopian Competition Authority – Trade Practice Investigation Commission on 29-30 March (2006) at Addis Ababa.
This training workshop would be held on the days following the regional conference of the seven-country competition policy and law project entitled, “Capacity Building on Competition Policy in Select Countries of Eastern and Southern Africa” (also, popularly referred to as the 7Up3 project). The regional conference would be held in the Hilton Addis Ababa on 27-28 March 2006, and would offer an opportunity to the project partners to present their research findings before an august gathering of international experts and practitioners from within the region and outside.
Renowned international experts/practitioner would provide training to the staff of the relatively new competition agency of Ethiopia through this Training Workshop. The agenda of the workshop has been designed to cater to the need of the Trade Practice Investigation Commission, such that they:
- Familiarise with international best practices (especially in Developing and Least Developed countries) in competition policy and law implementation, and the challenges encountered therein; and
- Understand various aspects of competition law enforcement.
For further information please contact:
Rijit Sengupta
Centre for Competition, Investigation &
Economic Regulation (CUTS-CCIER)
CUTS International
Ph: +91-141-228 2821
Fx: +91-141-2282733
Wegayehu Gebrehanna
Trade Practices Investigation Commission
Secretariat Office
Ministry of Trade and Industry
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ph: +251-11-5502844
Fx: +251-11-5522419