Ivo Gagliuffi
Chairman of the Board of Directors, INDECOPI
On behalf of the national institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property -INDECOPI, I would like to thank you for the courtesy in sending us the CUTS publication “30 Years of Social Change”. Read Full Testimonial

Ashok Gehlot
Chief Minister of Rajasthan, India’s largest state
I truly believe that this organisation will be helpful in making the society more aware by publishing articles and views of experts and dynamic writers on various issues. This will help in finding solutions of various problems pertaining to the common man, eradication of poverty and corruption, good administration, etc. On the part of my government, I will extend full support.

Achim Steiner
Administrator – United Nations Development Programme
It is inspiring to note the many contributions CUTS has made to actively promote human development, social justice and good governance. The Vision Document is in line with the Agenda 2030 and I am confident CUTS will continue to play an important role in advocating for and achieving the Agenda 2030.
UNDP deeply values CUTS’ and other partners’ efforts to promote global development as we all move forward to help our government partners and local communities to realize their full human development potential. Read Full Testimonial

Kamal Nath
Minister for Road Transport & Highways
CUTS has contributed a great deal towards strengthening the democratic processes and structures of our country by enhancing people’s involvement and voice in determining their future, on the one hand, and by promoting debate and discussion on government policies and programmes, on the other.

Shyam Saran
Chairman, RIS
I regularly read the CUTS blog which carries excellent comments and studies on issues of interest to India. Read Full Testimonial

Vasundhara Raje
Former Chief Minister of Rajasthan
CUTS, a leading nongovernmental organisation in Jaipur, has long experience of over 25 years of working on economic policy issues. In this area they have also achieved considerable reputation nationally and globally.

Richard R. Verma
Ambassador of The United States of America
Your Organization’s work on rules-based trade, development, and good governance are vital to the economic success of India. Read Full Testimonial

C P Joshi
Minister for Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
CUTS emerged from Gram Gadar, when they found many of our rural folk complaining about consumer abuses, such as burning out of electric motors due to voltage fluctuations; short weighing at fair price shops etc. CUTS is working vividly on these issues, in as much as they remain consistently engaged on grassroot issues. This linkage is one of the greatest strength of CUTS.

M . S Verma
Vice President, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER)
I have known CUTS almost since it’s inception in my SBI days and later while with the TRAI and have all along been highly appreciative of the role it has been playing in raising awareness about consumer rights and welfare. The different programs it has been running underscores it’s holistic approach which is what distinguishes it from other organizations claiming to serve the same or similar objectives. It is for this reason, I believe, that CUTS stands out and enjoys a very special position nationally as well as internationally. The list of contributors to “Better Governance for Inclusive Growth” is certainly a testimony to the high esteem it is held in by the national and International thought leaders.
My best wishes for the continued success and growth of CUTS.

Pamela W.S. CHAN
Former President, Consumers International
CUTS has now become an internationally recognised NGO speaking for the interests of consumers in developing countries. It has further expanded its horizon by conducting studies and capacity building programmes in African countries with the establishment of the Africa Resource Centre in 2001, a milestone in CUTS’ history as it serves to strengthen and facilitate cooperation among developing countries.

James Zhan
Director, Investment and Enterprise UNCTAD
Many thanks for the effective support and cooperation from CUTS and yourself.

Jagdish Bhagwati
University Professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
My first interaction with CUTS dates back to 1996, at the time of the UNCTAD IX, which was being held at Midrand, South Africa. I was invited to deliver the Raul Prebisch lecture. Pradeep Mehta asked me an interesting question from the audience. I followed up with a conversation during the coffee break and discovered in him an immensely engaging and dedicated NGO leader who was not simply an “activist” but a thoughtful person. Little did I know then that I would wind up working with him on CUTS’ activities. Read Full Testimonial

Nripendra Misra
Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India
I very much appreciate CUTS contribution to WTO related issues. I reiterate that your efforts are complimentary to the responsibility being discharged by Trade Policy Division in the Department of Commerce. Read Full Testimonial

Pascal Lamy
Director General, World Trade Organization
It gives me a great pleasure to note that CUTS is celebrating its Silver Jubilee. 25 years is a long time. The world – and India – have changed dramatically since the time CUTS was established. What is noteworthy is the journey of CUTS from an activist organisation working for the welfare of Indian consumers, to a think-tank advocating for global welfare through its work on trade and regulatory issues. It has, in fact, strengthened the link between grasstroots concerns and international policy-making arena. Read Full Testimonial

Peter N Varghese AO
Foreign Secretary, Australia
CUTS is a leading non-government organisation based in India and focused on public interest issues. Its work with partners from government to grassroots covers trade policy, economic development and governance, human development and social policy. CUTS is active across South Asia and has links with many other research institutions around the world. The Australian Government has a long and productive relationship with CUTS, in the policy and development fields. I am confident that this will continue, through current engagement and as new opportunities for collaboration emerge.

S.L. Rao
Noted Columnist
The Telegraph, April 10, 2006
I was in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in March for a conference to discuss the findings of a research project on the environment for competition in Africa. It was organised by Consumer Unity &Trust Society of Jaipur, a consumer activist and research organisation, perhaps the only Indian non-governmental organisation with offices in Nairobi and Lusaka, collaborative African research institutions and a substantial information base about laws and practices in competition. Also engaged in research, advocacy and consulting, CUTS had local research teams in many African countries to study competition law, policy and regulation.

Yashwant S Bhave
Chairman, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority
CUTS will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary to address its future…leadership. It also shows that instead of resting on its past laurels CUTS wants to reinvent itself along the lines of new challenges in new situations. I have had the good fortune to be able to associate with the working of CUTS since my days in the Ministry of Consumer Affairs as its Secretary where the focus of the Ministry was on Consumer Welfare. I have been greatly benefited by views expressed by Mehta and CUTS in discharge of my duties and functions. I continued this association in my present assignment…and had no hesitation in associating CUTS as a representative body of advocating consumer interests, as an important stakeholder in our work of tariff determination. Read Full Testimonial

Geza Feketekuty
President, Institute for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy
Congratulations on the launch of a series of training programmes for the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. This time trade capacity building is in action.

Christopher Onyanga Aparr
Permanent Representative/Ambassador to United Nations Office, and World Trade Organisation in Geneva at Permanent Mission of Republic of Uganda to United Nations in Geneva
I would like to appreciate what CUTS in Geneva is doing to assist the EAC countries in developing trade related issues like capacity building.

Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
Former Vice President of India
I have been seeing a variety of CUTS. publications, especially the one which is in the form of a wall newspaper called the .Gram Gadar., which has been helping our rural folk in a big way by its regular columns, such as on women’s rights. CUTS has rapidly diversified its work areas and the need of the future is that it should set goals according to the needs of a common man, maintaining its identity.

Supachai Panitchpakdi
Secretary General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNCTAD cooperates closely with civil society to increase awareness of the benefits of competition policy for consumers and for economic development in general. In this respect, CUTS and UNCTAD have a long history of collaboration on creating a competition culture in the developing world. It is, thus, a pleasure for me to commend the long term efforts undertaken in this field by CUTS.

Mitali Gupta
Assistant General Manager, Reserve Bank of India
Rural Planning and Credit Department, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Despite the enormity and gravity of the deep rooted problems existing in rural areas, efforts are being made to empower weaker sections, through a process of education, training, networking, and building up grassroots and community action groups. And therefore there is hope. I witnessed at close range, through CUTS Centre for Human Development, the extraordinary spirit and relentless efforts by the team at Chittorgarh and got ample evidence of the fruit of that labour. It was tremendous – the progress and the achievements made with children in these backward areas was indeed phenomenal.

Raymond Saner
Director, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development
I congratulate my colleagues at CUTS for high quality analysis and publications for their exemplary work in social field, trade and economics and openness to disclosure with all sectors of society in India and abroad.

Vinod Vaish
Chairman, Telecom Equipment & Services Export Promotion
Council, Government of India
India needs more groups such as CUTS and that is the challenge for CUTS to replicate and multiply all over the country. CUTS is a professionally managed and organised group and government can usefully utilise their talents and skills in the cause of the consumer.

B.S. Raghavan
Noted Columnist
The Business Line, September 12, 2005
The Consumer Unity & Trust Society, based in Jaipur, has been in the forefront of efforts by means of well-documented studies and purposefully organised workshops to evolve policies and measures bearing on the process of liberalisation, demands of competitive environment and consequences of globalisation, with consumer interests as its primary focus. With its constructive spirit, it has been able to forge fruitful relations with official agencies, corporate enterprises and other players and stakeholders, and establish productive links with kindred organisations abroad. One of the most notable contributions it has made is to prepare, based on a series of seminars, a set of recommendations for ensuring the autonomy, credibility, effectiveness and accountability of regulatory bodies, particularly in the infrastructure sector so vital for faster economic growth.

P M Njoroge
Chairman, COMESA Competition Commission
The Monopolies and Prices Commission (MPC) of Kenya acknowledges the significant contribution of CUTS in fostering competition culture in Kenya through its advocacy, training and networking activities. CUTS has assisted the Commission and its staff by regularly providing competition-related literature which has helped its staff in building their capacity.

Gareth Thomas
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State,
Department for International Development, UK [2008–2010]
We very much value our partnership with CUTS, and the close and regular contact you maintain with us. I am aware, for example, that staff in International Trade Department recently participated in your excellent conference on Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Aid for Trade in Nairobi.

George K Lipimile
Competition and Consumer Laws and Policies Expert
CUTS is the first NGO to have stepped out of its boundaries to work in a poor country in Africa to extend its knowledge and experience on economic policy issues as an ‘appropriate technology’. The Zambia Competition Commission (ZCC) has benefited from its association with CUTS, which began in 2000; and has commended CUTS for providing assistance to other developing countries in Africa and Asia on the subject of competition policy and law.