Ms. Pamela W.S. CHAN
Chief Executive
Consumer Council

I wish to extend our warmest congratulations to the Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) on the celebration of its 20th anniversary. It is most gratifying to see that what was an ad-hoc group of volunteers, campaigning for consumer interests in India, has now emerged as a dynamic organisation engaged in a broad spectrum of social, economic and development issues at the local, national, regional and international levels.

I almost lost count of the first occasion I had come to learn about CUTS. It started probably in the early 90’s, when I first met Pradeep Mehta at Consumers International conferences and meetings and have since then had the pleasure of attending conferences organised by CI and CUTS in India. I had the pleasure of attending the inauguration of CUTS’ new office in April 2000 in my capacity as President of Consumers International, on the occasion of the UNCTAD Regional Seminar on Competition Law and Policy for Asia Pacific.

Over the years, CUTS has risen to the forefront of consumer movement. It has now become an internationally recognised NGO speaking for the interests of consumers in developing countries. It has further expanded its horizon by conducting studies and capacity building programmes in African countries with the establishment of the Africa Resource Centre in 2001, a milestone in CUTS’ history as it serves to strengthen and facilitate cooperation among developing countries.

With the globalisation of the world economy and as we enter this new era of information and communication technology, the world around us is becoming more interdependent and integrated. The contributions of CUTS in the furtherance of consumer interests will be pronounced ever more.

I congratulate CUTS for its achievements and wish it every success in its growth.