January 27
CUTS received ‘WCO Certificate of Merit’ by the Central Board of Excise & Customs, Department of Revenue, Government of India for its work on Trade Facilitation in South Asia on the occasion of the International Customs Day of the World Customs Organisation at New Delhi, on January 27, 2015
January 15
Institute for Decentralized Electrification, Entrepreneurship and Education GmbH & Co. KG (Institute id-eee) has signed Memorandum of Understanding with CUTS on January 15, 2015 for undertaking joint research in the areas of rural electrification/renewable energy impacting economies, social and environmental bottom-line for rural development. Activities will be conducted on mutually agreed decisions
July 04
CUTS International Public Policy Centre (CIPPolC) was launched on July 04, 2014. The state-of-the-art centre would cater to the need of state’s national and international affairs of non-political class
August 26
CUTS Accra Centre was inaugurated on August 26, 2013. Having implemented projects on various elements of social and economic policy issues in Africa and other developing countries, CUTS realised that its experience as a civil society organisation (CSO) aiming to influence public policy through research would be vital in Ghana and the West Africa region (ECOWAS).
Rhoda Karpatkin Consumer International Award
George Cheriyan, Director, CUTS, has received the Rhoda Karpatkin Consumer International Award for 2013 for his contributions to welfare of consumers by The American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) in Portland, US. Cheriyan also delivered the Rhoda Karpatkin International lecture on the topic ‘Consumer Protection Regimes around the World with Special Reference to the State of the Indian Consumer’
21st century trade challenges
Pradeep S Mehta, Secretary General, CUTS has been included in the WTO high level panel formed to identify 21st century trade challenges. The panel will meet several times in 2012 and present a report to the WTO in early 2013
Member of the Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition
Member of the Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition – a global voluntary partnership where members share a common commitment to the rapid eradication of hunger and malnutrition in the world
International Business Awards
From 2012, Business World (the largest circulating business weekly of India) has constituted International Business Awards for Indian companies under 10 different categories and constituted a panel of juries to decide those awards. CUTS has been invited to that panel
Trade and Development Board meetings
Accredited by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as an Observer and will be able to represent and participate in the Trade and Development Board meetings and in the public intergovernmental meetings organised by UNCTAD
Accredited by Credibility Alliance’s Desirable Norms
Accredited by Credibility Alliance’s Desirable Norms for a period of five years, i.e. April 29, 2011 to April 28, 2016.
National Road Safety Council
Member of the newly constituted National Road Safety Council of India
Central Advisory Committee
Member of the 45-member Central Advisory Committee of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has registered CUTS as a Voluntary Consumer Organisation (VCO) for interacting on various consumer issues during the consultation process of the Board. The registration is valid for three years and the no. is PNGRB-VCO-02.
Advisory Board of the American Antitrust Institute
Member of the distinguished Advisory Board of the American Antitrust Institute (AAI), Washington DC, US