August 01, 2005, HT Jaipur Live
She also shared the Kerala experience of how high level of education resulted in decreasing infant as well as maternal mortality rate. She streamlined the fact that child development is the key to development for countries like India.
Lakshmi Rani, National Project Manager of Save the Children (U.K) spoke about the progress made under the project in different states of India – Maharashtra, West Bengal, and Jharkhand. She also said it is matter of appreciation that Jaipur city is also becoming part of the national advocacy campaign through this project.
George Cheriyan, Assistant Director, CUTS CART introduced the project and threw lights on its objectives and plan of action for the one year period. He also briefed the roadmap beyond the project period. He further said the project would be implemented through 35 selected schools in Jaipur in close collaboration with the department of education, Social Welfare Labour, Women & Child Development, Government of Rajasthan.
Dharampal S. Choudhary, Director of National Child Labour Project (NCLP), while delivering the valedictory, explained about various government programmes aiming at prohibition and rehabilitation of child domestic workers and spoke about child labour in a wider perspective. He said that the State and Central governments are determined to make the country free of child labourers.
K.C.Sharma explained different activities under the project Dharmendra Chaturvedi proposed the vote of thanks. About 100 government officials, teachers and students participated in the event.