- Glimpses of CUTS Long Service Award
Jaipur, January 03, 2019 - Recent Analyses of the Doha Round
Pradeep S Mehta, Secretary General, CUTS International, participated as a discussant
November 02, 2010, Centre William Rappard in Room CR, WTO, Geneva - Role of Non State Actors in the WTO
Session 3: Room D, WTO Building, 1400 – 1600 hrs, September 15, 2010, Geneva - CUTS GRC and FES Geneva Office will host a Writers’ Conference under CUTS initiative to prepare and publish a Negotiators’ Handbook on the WTO negotiations
September 14, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland - Public Lecture on “The Importance of the WTO System: Present and Emerging”
Dr. Harsha Vardhan Singh, Deputy Director General, World Trade Organisation (cbdtop.club)
August 10, 2010, Jaipur - Constituency Building for Competition Reforms in West Africa
7Up4 Project Final Conference
August 06-07, 2010, Dakar, Senegal - State Level Dissemination cum Advocacy Meeting Under TAP Project
July 29, 2010, Tonk, Rajasthan - Book Vernissage “Inter-ministerial Coordination and Stakeholder
Consultation of Trade Policy Making”
July 19, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland - Grassroots Reachout and Networking in Rajasthan through Consumer Action (GRANIRCA) Project Launch Meeting
March 17, 2010, Jaipur - Public Interface Meetings (PIM) Phase – I
June 10 – July 02, 2010, 2010, Project Area - CUTS GRC Side Event during Malawi Trade Policy Review
June 10, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland - CUTS-AITIC Dialogue on Preparing for UN LDC IV: Trade and Development Challenges for LDCs
May 18, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland - Inclusiveness of Trade Policy Making in Developing Countries
May 06, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland - FEATS First Geneva International Conference 2009
October 01, 2009 , Geneva, Switzerland - Interim Review Meeting – 7Up4 Project
Banjul, The Gambia, July 29-30, 2009 - Launch of Geneva Resource Centre
July 01, 2008, Geneva, Switzerland