November 29, 2014, New Delhi, India
Mumbai, November 24, 2014
Mumbai, November 24, 2014
Ranchi, November 21, 2014
Ranchi, November 21, 2014
Bangkok, Thailand, November 18 – 19, 2014
November 15, 2014, Jaipur
Manila, Philippines, November 04, 2014
October 30, 2014, New Delhi, India
October 27-31, 2014, Yangon
October 16, 2014, Geneva
October 29-30, 2014, Kolkata, India
October 02, 2014, Room S3 at the WTO
September 11, 2014, Chandigarh
September 11, 2014, Chandigarh
September 09, 2014, Chennai
September 09, 2014, Chennai
August 21, 2014, New Delhi
August 21, 2014, New Delhi
August 07-08, Kolkata, India
August 28, 2014, Bhubaneswar
August 28, 2014, Bhubaneswar
July 18, 2014, Jaipur, India
Agenda | Backgrounder
CUTS International, India with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is organizing a one day project review meeting on Addressing Barriers to Rice Seeds Trade between India and Bangladesh in Jaipur, India on 18th July 2014.
The event will review the activities done so far under the project and will set the future direction for the project to achieve its desired goal.
“The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh” by Sanjaya Baru “Crusader or Conspirator: Coalgate and Other Truths?” by P C Parakh
Jaipur, July 04, 2014
Agenda | Report
A Thought Leadership Lecture was organised to mark the launch of CUTS International Public Policy Centre (CIPPolC) at HCM RIPA, Jaipur, on July 04, 2014. The Lecture was delivered by two eminent experts – Sanjaya Baru, Director for Geo-Economics and Strategy, International Institute of Strategic Studies and author of the book ‘An Accidental Prime Minster: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh’ and P C Parakh, Former Secretary, Ministry of Coal and author of book ‘Crusader or Conspirator: Coalgate and other Truths.
New Delhi (India), July 02, 2014
The NRG-II meeting for India would take place in June, 2014 in New Delhi, India. The meeting would be organised jointly with the country partner CUTS Institute for Regulation and Competition (CIRC).
The findings of the Diagnostic Country Report (DCR) – the output of Phase I (Diagnostic Phase) would be presented in this meeting. The idea is to share these findings with the NRG members and get their inputs on the same.
The outline of the ‘Framework for Competition Reforms’ (FCR) would also be presented in this meeting. This outline has been developed from the understanding and evidence gathered during the preparation of the DCR. This marks the beginning of Phase II (Validation Phase) of the project.
June 27, 2014, New Delhi
CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation (CUTS CCIER) in collaboration with ADB, Indian Resident Mission is organising a Research Design Meeting towards project on “Regulatory Impact Assessment in Indian Electricity Generation Sector”.
The accelerated pace of the country’s development is impeded substantially through the regulatory and legislative framework that not only causes delay in the implementation of projects but also adds to the cost of the infrastructure projects, which is the essence of enhancement of urbanisation and development of economy. Power is one of the most significant concerns of the government which has witnessed an increase in participation of the private players in generation, and in future such participation must increase further, if the India wishes to achieve the mission of ‘Electricity for all’.
Lusaka (Zambia), June 27, 2014
The NRG-II meeting for Zambia would take place in June, 2014 in Lusaka, Zambia. The meeting would be organised jointly with the country partner CUTS International Lusaka.
The findings of the Diagnostic Country Report (DCR) – the output of Phase I (Diagnostic Phase) would be presented in this meeting. The idea is to share these findings with the NRG members and get their inputs on the same.
The outline of the ‘Framework for Competition Reforms’ (FCR) would also be presented in this meeting. This outline has been developed from the understanding and evidence gathered during the preparation of the DCR. This marks the beginning of Phase II (Validation Phase) of the project.
May 27, 2014, New Delhi
May 22, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan
CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation (CUTS CCIER) in collaboration with Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and with the support from FES India & FES Pakistan is organising a Regional Conference on “Trans-Boundary Cooperation in the Energy Sector”. The major aim of this conference is to create a platform for dialogue to achieve greater cooperation, coordination and integration of energy systems. The conference will focus on the issues related to emerging patterns of regional economic integration, energy trade in the region (Afghanistan, Central Asia, India, Iran and Pakistan).
May 15-16, Kathmandu, Nepal Agenda
The objective of this workshop is to develop CUTS partnership with the identified strategic partners in South Asian countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan) for the implementation of some specific activities and also to discuss our activity plan under SDIP (Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio).
April 16, 2014, New Delhi
The PAC I Meeting was held on April 16th, 2014 to acquaint the PAC members with the status of the IIA project. The objective was to share the findings of the scoping mission and receive inputs on the research methodology and framework analysis.
April 08, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The objective of this meeting is to invite recommendations from financial service providers (bankers) which they think should be embraced through compelling policy reforms to address the issues related to rejection of Letter-of-Credits and other trade related financial instruments in the context of India s trade with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
March 24-26, 2014, Jaipur
11 March, 2014, New Delhi, India
CUTS with its consortium partners, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI, India), National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO, Norway), and Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI, Norway) is implementing a project ‘Food Security in India: The Interactions of Climate Change, Economics, Politics and Trade’. The project is supported by The Research Council of Norway and seeks to explore a model for analysing food security in India through the interactions of climate change, economics, politics and trade. A major component of the project is to understand perceptions of various stakeholders with regard to food security and related issues. More specifically, the purpose is to understand stakeholders’ perception on possible effects of climate change on agricultural production in India and to also effects of changes in food entitlements on household food security.
To advance the activities of the project, CUTS International and IFPRI jointly organised a workshop at New Delhi, on March 11, 2014. The major objective of the workshop was to discuss and explore possible effects of climate change on agricultural production in India and to understand effects of changes in food entitlements on household food security. A CUTS publication entitled, ‘National Food Security Act of India, 2013: A Compendium’ was also released on the occasion.
March 07, 2014, New Delhi Agenda
February 18, 2014, New Delhi, India
CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation is organising a National seminar on “Need for National Competition Policy for India: How to overcome challenges?”. The seminar will focus on the broader issues pertaining to adoption and implementation of National Competition Policy in India and to find a successful approach to overcome those challenges in the perspective of international experiences in implementation of NCP from Australia and Botswana.
February 18, 2014, New Delhi, India
CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation is organising a seminar on “HAS APMC REGIME HIT END OF THE ROAD?” on Tuesday, 18th February, 2014 at 2000 Hall, Hotel Le Meridien, Janpath Road, New Delhi. The seminar timings would be from 13:00hrs to 19:30 hrs followed by Cocktail Reception.
The seminar will focus on the evaluation of APMC regime across the country for past several years with a view to suggest constructive reforms in the agriculture sector. The seminar will feature Parliamentarians, government officials, academics & media representatives.
Development Dimensions of India’s Foreign Trade Policy
January 31, 2014, New Delhi, India
Agenda | Backgrounder
CUTS International, with Support from UK`s Department for International Development, under its Knowledge Partnership Programme, has undertaken a Project on National Foreign Trade Policy of India, under which, the subject mentioned Brainstorming Meeting, will be organised to present the methodology, initial results and expected outcomes. A number of relevant Indian stakeholders and a number of experts from India are participating in this meeting to help achieve the expected outcomes of the study.
January 24, 2014, New Delhi, India
Agenda | Backgrounder
CUTS International, with Support from UK`s Department for International Development, under its Knowledge Partnership Programme, is implementing a project on Mega FTAs and the Indian Economy, under which the subject mentioned Brainstorming Meeting will be organised to present the methodology, initial results and expected outcomes. A number of relevant Indian stakeholders and a number of experts from and outside India are participating in this brainstorming to help achieve the expected outcomes of the study.
January 20, 2014, Mumbai, India
Agenda | Backgrounder
CUTS International with support from the British High Commission, is organising a half-day stakeholder consultation in Jaipur on 10th December, 2013 in Jaipur.
CUTS International is organising a series of regional stakeholder consultations to understand their experience in public procurement system and to obtain stakeholder-inputs on (draft) policy briefs exploring interfaces between procurement policy and other macroeconomic policies such as manufacturing policy, competition policy, sustainable procurement, trade policy, fiscal policy and state-government-level-procurement policy in order to adapt them for the National Public Procurement Policy. These meetings are being held in Jaipur, Bhopal, Mumbai, Bangalore and Ranchi.
January 08, 2014, Ranchi Agenda | Backgrounder
CUTS International with support from the British High Commission, is organising a half-day stakeholder consultation in Jaipur on 10th December, 2013 in Jaipur.
CUTS International is organising a series of regional stakeholder consultations to understand their experience in public procurement system and to obtain stakeholder-inputs on (draft) policy briefs exploring interfaces between procurement policy and other macroeconomic policies such as manufacturing policy, competition policy, sustainable procurement, trade policy, fiscal policy and state-government-level-procurement policy in order to adapt them for the National Public Procurement Policy. These meetings are being held in Jaipur, Bhopal, Mumbai, Bangalore and Ranchi.