All consumers are entitled to safe goods, services and the environment as it affects her/his life directly as well as indirectly. Feeling the need for more focussed attention in the area of consumer safety, in 1993, CUTS established Safety Watch as an independent programme based at the CUTS Calcutta Resource Centre.

In response to progress of the programme and realising the strong interconnection between consumer safety, sustainable production and consumption practices, CUTS established the Centre for Sustainable production and Consumption (C-SPAC) in the year 2000.

The work of C-SPAC draws from the objectives of Chapter IV of Agenda 21, which was adopted in the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, i.e. assisting individuals and households to make environmentally-sound purchasing decisions and minimising generation of wastes, encouraging greater efficiency in the use of energy and resources.







patterns of consumption and production that reduce environmental stress
and meet peoples’ basic needs
















awareness generation and outreach on the use of environment-friendly
technologies through workshops, use of media etc among the consumer
groups etc

stock of the use of environment-friendly refrigerators in India and
evolved a strategy to promote them among consumers


consumer awareness on the use of environment-friendly technologies and
hence industries are under less pressure to adopt them

consumer awareness on the use of environment-friendly technologies


the adoption and use of environment-friendly technologies by industries
through awareness generation and advocacy

the concept of the use of environment-friendly technologies through
ecolabelling in the entire lead-acid battery industry

initiative and indifferent attitudes 
among industries towards adopting 
environment-friendly technologies


with industry representatives on the adoption and use of
environment-friendly technologies

awareness among the parliamentarians on environment-friendly
technologies so they may in turn provide the political push at the
appropriate levels

a caucus of  parliamentarians
for formulating policies and providing political push for the adoption
of environment-friendly technologies by industries

level of awareness among parliamentarians on environmental issues and
hence little political push for adopting 
environment-friendly  technologies

generation among parliamentarians on environment-friendly technologies
for providing necessary political push for their adoption

a better understanding of the role of consumption and how to bring about
more sustainable consumption patterns






‘green’ consumption in India to test the degree of awareness among
consumers and producers about ‘green’ products and consumers’
willingness to pay

a survey report on ‘green’ consumption in India and currently in the
process of researching why ecolabelling has failed in India


relating to ‘green’ consumption and implementation problems of
ecolabelling scheme need to be studied in detail



to do in-depth studies on ‘green’ consumption and implementation
failure vis-à-vis ecolabelling scheme of India


of the United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection to Guidelines
for Sustainable Consumption

a toolkit for better implementation of the UN Guidelines, including
those on sustainable consumption

problems vis-à-vis the Guidelines, with little awareness on guidelines
for sustainable consumption

implement a scoping project for better implementation of the Guidelines,
including those on sustainable consumption

efficiency in production processes and reduce wasteful consumption in
the process of economic growth, taking into account the development
needs of developing countries

Awareness generation on cost-effective and environment-friendly
production processes among industries



Conducts a number of workshops for promoting efficiency among
industries, especially small ones, through cost-effective production
processes and better use of resources

There is not much industry initiative to promote cost-effective and
environment-friendly production processes, especially among the small


Awareness generation on the adoption of low-cost, environment-friendly
production processes



Awareness generation on emerging consumption patterns, which could be 
unsustainable in the long-run

Produces a number of papers on consumption patterns and how mis-leading
advertisements help promote unsustainability

There is not much consumer awareness on the ill-effects of

Networking among consumer groups and consumer outreach on mis-leading
advertisements and there effects on consumption patterns

Develop a domestic policy framework that will
encourage a shift to more sustainable patterns of production and

Advocacy and
networking, including public education for the adoption of domestic
policies for sustainable production and consumption


Conducts a
number of consultation workshops and roundtables for creating a domestic
policy framework for sustainable production and consumption


Lack of
political will to create and adopt such a framework



Creation of a
domestic framework through dialogues among stakeholders and then
advocacy for its adoption and monitoring implementation

To reinforce both values that encourage sustainable
production and consumption patterns and policies that encourage the
transfer of environmentally sound  technologies
to developing countries

local and national level planning for better environmental governance so
that citizens become aware of sustainable production and consumption
patterns and play an active role in achieving them


local and  national
programmes that promote sustainable production and consumption



awareness among consumers about their rights and responsibilities
towards promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns


generation and co-ordination among consumer organisations for taking
active part in environmental governance and achieving their right to
healthy environment


Advocating for
the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing

advocacy tours and dialogues at national and

co-ordination of advocacy efforts are needed

strategies for focussed and co-ordinated advocacy efforts with concerned
agencies at national and international levels


All consumers are entitled to safe goods, services and the environment as it affects her/his life directly as well as indirectly. Feeling the need for more focussed attention in the area of consumer safety, in 1993, CUTS established Safety Watch as an independent programme based at the CUTS Calcutta Resource Centre.

In response to progress of the programme and realising the strong interconnection between consumer safety, sustainable production and consumption practices, CUTS established the Centre for Sustainable production and Consumption (C-SPAC) in the year 2000.

The work of C-SPAC draws from the objectives of Chapter IV of Agenda 21, which was adopted in the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, i.e. assisting individuals and households to make environmentally-sound purchasing decisions and minimising generation of wastes, encouraging greater efficiency in the use of energy and resources.

Contact Us


3 Suren Tagore Road, 2nd Floor
Calcutta 700 019, India
Ph: 91.33.2460 1424
Fax: 91.33.2440 7669